Merry meet and welcome again to my blog for the Pagan Blog Project, we are on week 19. I thought about this a couple weeks before the letter j was due. I thought that it would be fun and interesting to check and see how many people do believe in Jinx.
I was surprised that so many do believe in jinx, me I think it's all just silly superstition. One that I grew up with is that if you where with a few people and two of you said the same thing, at the same time, it was jinxed, you where to say "jinx, one two three you owe me a coke" another was that if you stepped on a crack you broke your mothers back, and line and your dad's spine. There are several myths in baseball, Im not a bit sports orientated so I dont know, and it does not surprise me
Through out history there has been historical "things" said to be jinxed, The Hope Diamond, any one who has owned it has suffered tragic deaths. Marie Antoinette did not have a very happy ending.
One thing I do know for sure is that mind is a very powerful tool, and if it's done correctly (I do not advice it) I am very sure you can jinx someone or somethings. Jinx is to give someone a case of the "bad lucks" or a curse on something like the hope diamond can cause bad things to happen. I think there was a curse on a broom in Harry Potter, lol I never did follow those stories so I dont know about that one either.
Recently I ran across a spell that I know would work, I commented on it by saying that I think I would have to add that I would want no curse returned, and to harm none. It was calling upon Hecate to see that justice is done to someone that has hurt another. As I said it would have worked, would I do it? It would have to be under extreme circumstances, and very carefully worded. I've had things come back to bite me magically and though it's never been something really bad, it was a price I paid. I say careful for what you ask for, Stand back and let Karma do her job, do not get in the way of Goddess's work. Merry magical workings, and blessed be.
Merry meet, and welcome to my blogger again. Im late but have had personal, and family matters that have held me up, which is in fact where I got my idea from.
Between family, then my own goals, (I volunteer as often as I can, and I've been needed a lot lately, I love it, so that's not a big problem, and in fact is becoming more of a permanent situation) Family however, has been like most I suppose my family is about as dysfunctional as I am, and I love them dearly. My best friend/sister in law is in the process of a real nasty divorce, and has had a real difficult time with finance's , custody, everything that goes with that sort of stuff, not to mention teenagers, and ungrateful adult children, that where making it just about as hard for her as they could.
Which takes me to the subject.
My friend was asking for spells that involved winning situations in court case's. I gave her basic instructions and reminded her that she needs to go with confidence. I said that in my workings for her I would imagine her going into this battle and winning, coming out with what she deserves, and then some. We have, (the family) real bad feelings towards her soon to be ex, and I wanted to make sure that my intent was to not harm. Integrity plays a big part for me and magic. It's not my intention to "give him what he deserves" if that where case, I would have tried to shrink his head. lol. With integrity for what is right for all involved is how I worked the spell. Imagination, seeing my friend happy, financially secure, and at peace finally. Intent, to do no harm nor bend a will let Helen and George grow apart, remain friends. Do to each other what ones would want done. I wont go into the full workings of it, but you can see my intent was clearly for the right thing to come to pass.

I firmly believe that any magic can be done with integrity, imagination, and intent alone. The candles, and wands, and stones, or charms to me are nice to have but if you believe enough in what your doing is the right thing, anything can be accomplished. If your integrity is honest, your intent clearly for the good of all, and your imagination strong and confident, the rest is smoke and mirrors. Blessed Be in all things )0(